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Shopping for bathers...

The sun has finally come out in Melbourne! On Sunday my Hubby and I planned to hit our local swimming pool however I had forgotten that when we returned from our Hawa

iian honeymoon I chucked out my bikini in a commitment to buy new ones (I had long been avoiding this).

I knew what I wanted, its what I always buy. A standard triangle tie up bikini. I wasnt too concerned what it looked like but I like something more interesting then black. I searched online for hours trying to find something and there was nothing. All of the bikinis that were the triangle shape either had a bra strap style back or were stitched into position at the front. Almost none had tie up waists on the bottoms. I was concerned but I headed down to Swimwear Galore in Malvern with confidance that they should have something as they have the largest variety of brands here in Melbourne.

In the store I spoke to the attendant and she was able to show me two bikinis. One plain black and one in a light peachy colour with tiny frills. I was so frustrated. I continued to search the store and found two more, one that was black and white and one what was black with autumn coloured tiny colours. I grudgingly took them off to the change rooms, tried the first top on in the geometric black and white. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought no. I am not buying these out of principle. I gave the rest back to the attendant and went home.

I am not angry at Swimwear Galore I am angry at every brand that has a swimwear range. I get fashions change and you have to stay with them. But every womens body is different. Finding swimwear is HARD. Why take the only style that allows a women to position, tighten and tension the baths to exactly how she wants. Why should I have to put my body into something that isnt the perfect fit just for fashion? Ugh!! Even now I am angry... What makes it worse is the only styles that were still available we black! Come on!!!

In the end I purchase from a website called Romwe. The bikini is an eggplant colour with large simple frills on the bust. I havent received them yet so they could be terrible. My other alternative is a dark blue and gold number from Heidi Klum but this will set me back $190 and honestly I dont love it but it may have to do.

To any designer out there thing about your customer first. For a lot of women going to the beach in their bathers isn't easy, they are at their most vulnerable. Don't change a good thing just because you saw something on a runway. Real women come in lots of shapes and sizes and you should design from there first.

On a side note, if you are looking for bathers that are not a tie up triangle bikini please do visit Swimwear Galore. If you take a look at their website here you will see female models in a variety of sizes and they are not just modeling the 'curvy' range. Its a positive step for women if only the brands could keep up.

**Subject photo is a stock image, I totally would of bought that....**

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